About Camel Central
Camel Central is an online platform build for bringing the world together with Art. The platform brings together various forms of art and artists to anyone who is interested in fueling their passion and enriching their lives.
Our goal is to promote the use of creative arts to bring people together and foster health and healing through activities like fine arts, music, crafts, visual arts, writing, textile arts like knitting, crocheting, and needle work and even culinary arts and photography.
The Camel Central team are striving every day in Making your Happiness One Click Away!
Be an Instructor
The creation and contemplation of art are powerful forces which brings people together. As artists you know that art can be powerfully cathartic and healing. We know that most of the people around have very limited access to Art. Camel Central helps in removing this limitation by bringing together different artists and art aspirants together under a single platform.
Have you felt compelled to use the power of your art to take an active role in building your community and giving back? Camel Central provides you with a platform where you can play a key role in someone’s life in helping them grow their creativity and confidence. You may even help someone discover a lifelong passion for art!
Art as a therapy
Art can be powerfully therapeutic. It lets us communicate and process things we normally cannot give voice in our everyday life. Art therapists rely on art to help people suffering from physical and mental trauma to not only work towards recovery but also work on something that brings them pride.
We are your one-stop destination for all your creative needs - spreading happiness and satisfaction with our unique finds.